
Church Websites

Your Church is FINALLY Getting a Website – But WHY?

You’re in a meeting with your leaders, and everyone is in agreement that 1st Church of Smallchurchville (Don’t be offended, I pastor a small church) needs to come into the 21st century. But the haven’t given consideration to any church website objectives.

What Does A Church Website REALLY Cost?

You've been asked to get all the information on what does a church website cost? You can make an informed decision on whether the cost of a church website is worth it for your church.

What Are The Best Church Website Keywords For Your Church?

Optimize your website by using church website keywords so people who are searching for a church will find your church out of all the other church websites in your community.

4 Tips Toward a Great Church Website

Before your church’s website can even completely load, the average visitor has already formed a first impression. It takes just 50 milliseconds. In a flash,...

Best Church Websites – ChurchJuice Picks the Top 15

We’ve spent dozens of hours searching the web to find the best church websites in North America. Of course, this is not an exhaustive...

5 Landing Page Essentials for Your Church Website

Jane just moved to a new town. She grew up in a Lutheran church and would like get connected with a similar church in...

Don’t Listen to the Negative Buzz — Here’s the Case FOR Church Apps

The trend of a standalone church app has fallen out of favor with many church leaders. The busting of this so-called fad is a chance to re-evaluate what standalone church apps can be for your local body. Church apps can increase visibility, create accessibility, and promote legacy.