

12 Walls That Prevent Abuse Survivors From Ever Telling

Here are 12 walls I’ve observed in my own work and research that prevent abuse survivors from ever telling their story. Creating a safer future – one in which survivors are supported if they choose to tell their story – requires removing many barriers that should have never been built to begin with.

Just Do It – What Your Church and Nike Have in Common

How many times do you think you've seen the Nike swoosh logo and read the phrase Just do it? A few hundred? A thousand? Imagine you asked your church this Sunday to fill in the tagline that goes under the swoosh logo—do you think 100% of people would be able to do it from memory?

9 Ways Great Leaders Communicate

Great leaders are great communicators. Neuroscientist Andrew Newberg's writes in his book Words Can Change your Brain that there are 12 key neuroscience based communication practices. I've included nine here with some brief comments.

How to Communicate With Your Band

If you can effec­tively and effi­ciently com­mu­ni­cate to your band, not only will they feel more con­fi­dent in their play­ing, but your wor­ship will take another step in the right direc­tion.

3 Things Every Pastor Needs to Clearly Communicate Their Vision

The ability to clearly communicate is a must-have skill for any pastor or leader in business, academia, non-profit or your family.

17 Books to Help You Communicate

Some reading list ideas to help you improve your communication strategy.

3 Ways to Creatively Communicate With Your Small Group Hosts

Mix things up the next time you reach out to your small group members and small group hosts.