

3 Simple Connection Ideas for Small Groups

When it comes to connection ideas, "simple" means just providing opportunities! Below are three simple connection ideas you can try to help foster connections with those who are new.

2 Types of Loneliness … And How to Face Each Type

Facing your loneliness takes courage. And, it’s important to understand different types of loneliness, so that you can get on the right path toward meaningful connection.

What If Loneliness Is a Gift?

Being lonely gets a bad rap. And for good reason. One of our deepest, most basic human needs is to experience healthy attachment—or in non-psychological terms, to experience loving connection with someone who sees us. What if loneliness is a gift?

Five Strategies for Being a More Approachable Pastor on Sunday Morning

Your approachability as a pastor is not limited to Sunday mornings, but it’s a key time when people will develop perceptions about you.