

Counsel From a Black Pastor to the Church

Being a Christian, a pastor of a local church, and a black man has given me a unique vantage point on life. As a pastor I am called to lead believers to the Holy Scriptures so that we may all learn to imitate Christ and grow in Christ-likeness.

How Supernatural Counsel Beats Human Counsel Every Time

The reality of Jesus and His continued presence through the ministry of the Holy Spirit means that ministry and counseling can be and should be supernatural counsel. Here's how.

5 Important Questions to Ask Yourself When Making a Decision in Your Life

Quick decision making often results in poor decision making. Conversely, long and drawn out decision making can paralyze your life as well as others who look to you for leadership.

Billy Graham and the Presidents: Lessons in Spiritual Counsel and Friendship

His ambition was to share Christ’s gospel with those who needed it most—nothing more, nothing less.

What to Do When a Teen is Suicidal

If you’re in youth ministry, you will inevitably encounter a teen who is at least somewhat suicidal. It’s a scary thing that must be taken seriously.

How to Help Kids in the Light of the News of More School Shootings

What to say to the kids we love in a world with so many school shootings.