Phil Vischer, Part 1: How Pastors Can Guide the Creatives in Their Churches
Phil Vischer joins “The Stetzer ChurchLeaders Podcast” to share his experience in Christian media and his thoughts on how pastors can advise the creatives in their congregations.
Outreach Leaders
How To Leverage Your Dreams For Creative Purposes
The idea that creative breakthroughs can happen during dreaming is as old as the ancient world.
Articles for Worship & Creative
Help Your Creatives Discover Team Greatness
When dealing with creative teams, some leaders feel the need to be experts in the area they lead, others are convinced that holding high standards is the secret, and still, others think organizational expertise is the key. But the real key is team greatness.
How To Leverage Your Dreams for Creativity
The idea that creative breakthroughs happen during dreaming is as old as the ancient world. The Bible is even filled with references to men and women receiving divine messages during dreams.
Articles for Worship & Creative
The Sad Tale of a Creative Misfit
He was an out of the box thinker who dressed differently, wasn’t crazy about rules, and liked to work late at night. As a result, he struggled a bit trying to find anyone who would hire him. To some people, he was a creative misfit.
Articles for Worship & Creative
If You Lead Creatives, This Is What You Need to Know
Todd Henry has led creatives for 20 years. At the Global Leadership Summit, Todd downloaded the principles he's learned about leading this unique group of people during his half-hour session.
Justin McRoberts and Scott Erickson: Pastors Are People, Too
Justin and Scott discuss the need for pastors to embrace their humanity and they believe spiritual disciplines can help them do that.