Following Jesus
Articles for Pastors
What Is a Disciple? 4 Transformations That Show the Way
What is a disciple? Dallas Willard provided one of the finest explanations I have ever seen: “A disciple is a person who has decided that the most important thing in their life is to learn how to do what Jesus said to do.”
Letter to a Young Man Desiring to Follow Jesus
I recently received a letter from a young man asking advice about how best to follow Jesus in four key aspects of life. Here is my response.
Articles for Youth Leaders
Being a Disciple of Christ: What That Really Means for Teens
Being a disciple of Christ, which should be our driving ambition, involves being, knowing and doing life like Jesus.
Articles for Worship & Creative
7 Things You May Not Know About Jesus
There are surprising things you may not know about Jesus. In our book, Jesus: A Theography, Leonard Sweet and I take 424 pages to show that both the Old and New Testaments tell the story of Jesus in great detail.
Articles for Pastors
The Only Way to Get Stronger
Following Christ doesn’t make our lives easier. Being a disciple makes our lives harder. Why? Because Jesus wants you and me to become stronger, and the only way to get stronger is to add more weight to your work.
Todd Wilson: Don’t Look at People in Your Church as Volunteers
“Every follower of Jesus is a masterpiece work of God with a general calling and a unique calling," says Todd Wilson. This week on our podcast, Todd explains how calling often becomes an idol for Christians and why churches need to move away from a "programmatic" growth strategy.
Articles for Outreach & Missions
Why I’ve Stopped Making Jesus Easy to Follow
It costs something to follow Jesus.
Articles for Children's Ministry Leaders
Following Jesus Is a Different Kind of Safe
Christians are not immune to the horrors, kids.