

Do Something Fun Today

This week make plans to enjoy your life! Do something fun! Ride a roller coaster, plan a vacation, sleep without setting an alarm clock… Or dare I say it…turn off your phone.

25 Christmas Jokes You Can Tell Kids

It's a great time to connect with the kids through Christmas jokes.  Kids love jokes.  You can use these with one kid before service, in a large group or small group.

Why I Believe Fun and Games Are Wrong in Kids Church

I wanted Kids to love coming to Kid’s Church more than going to Chuck E. Cheese, or laser tag, or a sleepover, or Disney. Discover more about fun in kid's church.

Should Worship Be Fun?

Taking a closer look at how we and our congregations feel during worship — should words like "fun" and "party" be included?

How to Have More Fun in Your Small Group—5 Ideas

Are you a small group point person who is trying to empower small group leaders to have more fun in their groups?

Fun Small Groups: 3 Reasons Your Groups Must Include This Element

In the midst of all the tasks, three reasons to pursue fun small groups.

What’s the “Fun Level” of Your Small Group?

Shouldn't Christian fellowship be a joyous experience?

Should Ministry Be More Fun?

Pastors set the tone in our churches, and sometimes our tone is terrible.