Articles for Children's Ministry Leaders
The Worst Child Safety Habits and How To Replace Them
Bad child safety habits are often attributed to feeling overwhelmed, understaffed, and pressured to make a good impression or keep people happy by not inconveniencing them. Recognizing the cause of bad safety habits is essential to overcoming or replacing them with better ones.
Articles for Outreach & Missions
Rick Warren: 4 Habits For Spiritual Growth
Spiritual growth is a journey, and that means it takes time. Sure, we want to speed up the process, but we can’t. It’s a lifetime journey where God teaches us one lesson at a time to develop our character so we become more like Jesus.
Articles for Outreach & Missions
12 Habits That Lead to Divorce…and How to Avoid Them!
No one intends to develop these habits that lead to divorce. In fact, every married couple has exchanged vows which promise “til death do us part,” but for far too many marriages, their dreams of “forever” are crushed by divorce.
Articles for Pastors
3 Morning Habits Guaranteed to Boost Your Brain Power
Unfortunately, just as we can’t avoid death and taxes, we can’t avoid how aging affects our brains. Here’s what happens to our brains as we grow older and how to boost your brain power.
Articles for Pastors
My 7 Most Productive Habits
Give yourself permission to answer texts eventually instead of immediately. This will create realistic, healthy boundaries with people in your life and ministry.