

Gallup: Only 39% of Americans Think Pastors Have High Ethical Standards

Americans who see pastors as highly honest people are in the minority. Only 39 percent of the respondents to Gallup’s latest Honesty and Ethics list ranked clergy members as having “very high”/“high” ethical standards.

Why "Accountability Groups" Make Us Liars

Tullian Tchividjian uncovers the tragic irony inside unhealthy accountability groups.

Little Children: The Most Honest People in the World and Why We Need Them

Do you recognize that an inability to enjoy little children is not representative of a defect in the children, but of a defect in us? Because little children, just like the poor, offer us the best shot at understanding what it means to live inside God’s kingdom.

4 Great Joys That Come From Being Honest With God

"Seeing God’s gladness at the prospect of reconciliation with me, my self-recrimination vanishes like shadows when I turn on a light—and his joy becomes my own."

Why Youth Pastors Need Honesty

Youth pastors need honesty. If you are in youth ministry you know that "okay" is the cover against weakness.

The Dumbest Things I Ever Did as a Pastor

The list of mistakes pastors make should include this one. It's not a sin of commission, but rather omission.

Is the Gospel Being Hindered by Unethical Clergy?

A new survey shows a growing number of people think clergy are unethical. Does the research suggest there's need for a code of ethics?