Articles for Outreach & Missions
Tolerance: Befriending and Belonging in an Age of Scorn
Tolerance that tolerates only people who think like us is not tolerance. It is covert prejudice, scorn with a mask of niceness.
Articles for Pastors
The Skills Every Church Staff Member Needs
Teams come in all sizes and styles. Some teams wear uniforms, practice daily, and compete in tournaments and championships. Some work together on a...
Articles for Outreach & Missions
Personality, Position and Integrity
A big personality is a front-stage gift that must be supported by a back-stage integrity. The human condition is such that none are immune to the allures of sin and godlessness.
Articles for Outreach & Missions
If You Know a Christian Hypocrite, Help Them Stop Doing These 5 Things
If you know a Christian hypocrite or two (or you can look in the mirror and see one), please help them stop doing these 5 things.
Christian News
Rick Warren to Priests: How to Maintain Your Moral Integrity
Rick Warren spoke to a group of priests in New York explaining how to recognize temptation and maintain one's moral integrity.
Articles for Pastors
One Mistake All Fallen Pastors Make
After God called my family to a new ministry opportunity, my mentor was caught in an affair. It wrecked me and many in the church.
Articles for Pastors
9 Sins the Church Is Surprisingly Okay With
Are your aware of these "common sins"? What if the big sins, the ones you try hardest to avoid, aren’t the greatest threat to your joy and the church’s mission? What if the greatest threats are more "normal"?
Articles for Pastors
All Other Ground Is Sinking Sand
Integrity, the Bible tells us, is like a load-bearing foundation for life.