

Baptist Press Interviews SBC Presidential Nominee Robin Hadaway

Baptist Press sat down to talk with SBC presidential nominee Robin Hadaway on April 27 on the bustling campus of Midwestern Seminary just before the seminary’s final chapel session of the spring semester.

Sexual Abuse Survivor Hannah-Kate Williams Shares Thoughts on the Future of Survivors in the SBC

In an exclusive interview with ChurchLeaders, Hannah-Kate Williams, a survivor of sexual abuse in the Southern Baptist Convention, shared that despite the setbacks she has faced, she is hopeful the SBC will become a denomination that encourages survivors to pursue justice. 

Can You Be a Follower of Jesus and Not Be ‘Churchy’? After Reconstructing, Lecrae Says Yes

Christian hip hop artist Lecrae recently shared that after deconstructing and reconstructing his faith, he no longer feels he has to be “churchy.”  

Ed Litton: Systemic Racism Is ‘Obvious,’ but SBC Has ‘Never Condoned’ CRT

“We’ve never condoned critical race theory,” said Ed Litton, in an interview with OutFrontCNN. “We believe in gospel reconciliation.”

Former RZIM Leader: Abdu Murray Interview With the McDowells ‘Not Appropriate’

Carson Weitnauer, who resigned from RZIM in protest in January, says the interview that Josh and Sean McDowell did with Abdu Murray was "premature" and needs to be taken down.

Still-In-Shock Witness Shares Gospel While Describing Boulder, CO Shooting

The young man stood by his wife and told those listening, "Everybody really just has a moment to think about their hearts and where they're at with God and just to know that Jesus loves them and is crazy about them."

N.T. Wright on the Christian Response When Bad Things Happen

While some have argued that the pandemic is a sign of God’s judgment, N.T. Wright believes Scripture shows us a different response to when bad things happen.

Justin Bieber: I Doubt I’d Be Alive If Not for Jesus

For anyone who has ever wondered, “Is Justin Bieber Christian?”, the singer recently sat for an interview that may answer that question.