Christian News
Cold Case Team Shines New Light on Betrayal of Anne Frank
Who betrayed Jewish teenage diarist Anne Frank and her family? A cold case team that combed through evidence for five years in a bid to unravel one of World War II's enduring mysteries has reached what it calls the “most likely scenario.”
Christian News
Five Takeaways From Pew’s Massive Study of American Jews
The Pew study repeatedly distinguishes between “Judaism” — religious acts — and “Jewish culture” — the many things Jews do that have Jewish meaning and significance but don’t include synagogue, liturgy, or God.
Christian News
Dutch Protestant Church Admits Preparing the Soil for Anti-Semitism, Failing Jews in World War II
A representative of the Dutch Protestant Church apologized to the Jewish community in the Netherlands for preparing ”the ground in which the seeds of anti-Semitism and hatred could grow” before World War II. He also apologized for the church failing to protect Jews during the Holocaust.
Articles for Pastors
Why Pandemics Are Dangerous for Jews
Throughout the Muslim world, rumors abound that the Jews developed the coronavirus to gain power, kill a large number of people, and make a fortune selling the antidote.
Christian News
63% of Young Americans Don’t Know How Many Jews Died in the Holocaust
Do you know how many Jews died in the Holocaust? Can you name a ghetto or concentration camp from that time period? These are questions that were posed to Millennials and Gen Zers in the United States.