

Josh Duggar’s Sister and Her Husband Call Verdict ‘Just’; Other Family Members Respond

Josh Duggar's sister, Jill Dillard, and her husband Derick, have posted a statement responding to yesterday’s verdict finding Josh Duggar guilty of receiving and possessing child pornography.

UPDATE: Josh Duggar Found Guilty of Possessing Child Pornography

A federal jury has found Josh Duggar guilty on one count of receiving child pornography and one count of possessing child pornography.

Josh Duggar’s Cousin Warns of Predators As She Censors Photo of Her Toddler

Josh Duggar’s cousin, Amy King, recently censored a photo of her toddler that she had posted on Instagram and included a warning to parents to keep predators in mind when posting pictures of their children.

Twisted Theology Is Protecting a Man Who Enjoys the Torture of Children, Says Rachael Denhollander

What makes Josh Duggar's story even more appalling than his alleged crimes, says victims advocate Rachael Denhollander, is the theology cushioning him from the cost of his decisions.