
Kids Worship

A Kids Worship Conversation With Yancy

If you are passionate about kids ministry, you are passionate about kids worship. Kids ministry leaders long to see kids and families worship in Spirit and in Truth.

Why I Don’t Like Church Christmas Programs

Is there anything cuter than kids in a Christmas play? I mean seriously, don’t we just love seeing the kids sharing their songs, saying their lines, quoting their Bible verses and wearing all the Christmassy things?

Check Out This Free Christmas Song – Born to Set Us Free

Here’s an early Christmas gift—a free Christmas Song. Enjoy "Born to Set Us Free" to use in your ministry.

How to Have Great Kid’s Worship Without Live Music

We talked with several kid’s ministry leaders and pieced together a strategy that has worked really well at engaging our kids more than anything else we’ve tried.

How to Get Your Fifth-Grade Boys to Worship

There are many different styles and ideas about worship, but the bottom line is a good worship service is when everybody is participating.

Singing Songs Isn’t Worship

If we can help our kids understand that worship is a life lived, words spoken and hearts focused on giving attention to God, suddenly worship becomes far more than a song or two on Sunday morning.

How to Create An Amazing Kids’ Worship Night

I had the God-given dream of creating my first Kids’ Worship Night at the end of 2014, and I’ve written posts on my first...