Articles for Pastors
4 Wins When a Leader Takes an Extended Break
I have learned that taking an extended break each year is fruitful for me, for my team, for the church, and for the future.
Articles for Outreach & Missions
7 Lessons Learned in a Time of Leadership Transition
Whatever leadership transition you may face, know that God is presently, actively, and personally working in, around, and through you. He is always worthy. You are always valuable.
Articles for Pastors
Endurance: How to Make the Long Run of Leadership
Endurance is a quality consistently found among great leaders. It is a sister to resilience, as the ability to “bounce back from a setback.” Endurance is the ability to just keep going regardless of the obstacles and pressure.
Articles for Pastors
How to Grow From Leadership Pain
No one experiences the success of leadership without also knowing leadership pain. It’s up to each individual leader if they will press through the pain and grow or quit leading. The principle is that strong.
Articles for Small Group Leaders
How to Read the Room as a Small Group Leader
It is vital to remember that God is speaking to everyone in our small groups, and that sometimes with everything else we focus on as leaders, we may be the last to notice.
Articles for Pastors
3-Point Evaluation to Test the Strength of Your Leadership
Evaluation isn't always even a conscious process, but don’t pretend it doesn’t matter. It doesn’t mean people aren’t grateful for your leadership; being assessed is just part of being a leader.
Articles for Pastors
How Caffeine Might Make You a Better Leader
I believe my strategic use of caffeine has helped enhance my cognitive resources as a leader. In this post I look at three areas: what caffeine does to your brain, cautions about its use, and how to strategically use it.
Articles for Pastors
8 Signs of an Emotionally Anxious Leader
But chronic anxiety, the low level anxiety we seem to never shake for an anxious leader, fuels emotionality and shows up in eight ways that I call “the eight Fs of chronic anxiety.” It manifests itself differently in different people.