
LGBTQ inclusion

31 UMC Churches in NC Demand Immediate Exit From Denomination, Threaten Lawsuit

Thirty-one United Methodist churches in western North Carolina are demanding they be allowed to leave the United Methodist Church and have hired a Florida legal firm to push their claim forward.

WCA Calls on Conservative Churches to Withhold Dues From United Methodist Church

“Let our people go!” reads a statement shared over the weekend by the Wesleyan Covenant Association, a network of theologically conservative United Methodists.

Greek Church Protests Baptism for Celebrity Same-Sex Parents

Greece's Orthodox Church will send a letter of protest to the archbishop who heads the church in the U.S. after he baptized the children of celebrity fashion designer Peter Dundas and his partner, Evangelo Bousis.

Vote Delayed Again, Some United Methodists Say They Quit. Now What?

When the UMC postponed a vote on an orderly plan to split the mainline Protestant denomination long riven by disagreement over LGBTQ inclusion, some conservative United Methodists announced they were finally done.

United Methodist Church Delays General Conference, Prompting Some Conservatives to Leave

The United Methodist Church has delayed its General Conference meeting for a third time due to the pandemic. In response, some conservative United Methodists have announced their departure from the denomination.

MN Church Hosts ‘Drag Me to Church’ Event to Attract LGBTQ Community

This Sunday, a Minnesota Church hosted a "Drag Me to Church" event, which featured a drag performance. Intended as a bold message of inclusion to the LGBTQ community, the event is indicative of a growing divide, as some American Christians move away from a long held understanding of sexual ethics.

First Trans ELCA Bishop Suspended by Lutheran LGBTQ Advocacy Group for ‘Racist Words and Actions’

Megan Rohrer, the first openly trans bishop to be elected in the ELCA, has been suspended by an LGBTQAI+ advocacy group for allegedly “racist words and actions.”

As Pope Softens Approach Toward ‘Sins of the Flesh,’ Michigan Diocese Draws Hard Line on Gender Identity

Less than a week after Pope Francis referred to sexual sin as "not the worst kind," a Michigan diocese has taken possibly the hardest line against transgender inclusion in the Catholic Church yet.