

Todd Miles: Why Marijuana Use Is an Issue Church Leaders Must Not Ignore

Todd Miles joins the Stetzer ChurchLeaders Podcast to share why it is essential for church leaders to know what they believe about marijuana and why they believe it.

Is Dr. Charles Stanley Selling CBD Oil? In Touch Ministries Warns of ‘SCAM’

In Touch Ministries posted a 'SCAM ALERT' on their website warning people Dr. Charles Stanley's name was being used in an attempt steal people's private information.

Christian Leaders Offer Reasons for Legalizing Marijuana (or Not)

On Dec. 4, the U.S. House of Representatives passed the MORE Act, which decriminalizes marijuana at the federal level. The bill’s passage in the House is a reminder to the church that the conversation surrounding marijuana is one we need to be having.

Craig Gross Has High Praise for the Spiritual Use of Cannabis

“I think Christians sit on the sidelines of a lot of conversations," says Craig Gross. Craig's latest venture is a Christian cannabis website, and this week on our podcast, he talks about his personal journey with using marijuana and why it's important for Christians not to be afraid of this topic.

Two-Thirds Find No Moral Problem With Marijuana

According to Gallup, the moral acceptance of pot is now similar to gay and lesbian relations, stem cell research and having a baby outside marriage.

This Is Your Brain on Marijuana: What to Tell Teens

Researchers are finding that marijuana effects on the brain are serious. A study from the University of Maryland School of Medicine found teenagers who regularly smoke cannabis suffer long lasting brain damage and are in much greater danger of developing schizophrenia.