middle east
Christian News
The Iranian Church Is the Fastest Growing in the World
"Despite continued hostility from the late 1970s until now, Iranians have become the Muslim people most open to the gospel in the Middle East."
Christian News
Suicide Bomb in Syria’s Christian Center Targeted ‘Belligerent Christians’
A Syrian Orthodox Church in Qamishli was targeted last week in a suicide bombing which claimed the lives of 11 people. Even with ISIS being pushed back, Syrian Christians live in constant fear for their lives.
Christian News
Arabs Are Looking to the Heavens to Find the Gospel
Evangelism can be difficult and dangerous for Christians in the Middle East, but Christian ministries are finding a new way to deliver the gospel. And people there are responding.
Christian News
2018 Easter in Mosul: ISIL Is Gone, Christians Are Back
For the first time since 2014, Christians in Northern Iraq were able to celebrate Easter in Mosul without a significant fear that they would be killed.
Christian News
The Peculiar Advantage the Chinese Have in Missions Work
"They let them straight through. The last thing they would think [a Chinese person could be] is a missionary,” Pastor Danny Lee says.