

5 Misconceptions About Pastors’ Wives

Misconceptions About Pastors' Wives - Although you and your husband are one flesh, you are not the same person. The way God made you is different than how he made your husband. God knew what he was doing in putting the two of you together. He doesn’t make mistakes.

3 Common Misconceptions of Calvinism

What is Calvinism? Those who are reformed like to think of it as biblical Christianity.

5 Misconceptions About Pastors

Here are five misconceptions about pastors, some of which are dangerous and greatly impede the ministry of a local church. In other words, they are not insignificant misconceptions.

Misconceptions of Heaven

Although we’ll never actually know the wonder of heaven until we get there, God gives us several hints throughout the Bible. I like to call these the “sneak peeks” into what eternal life will look like for us.