

Healthy Growth Multiplies: Iran and the Fruit of Faith

Healthy things grow. Likewise, unhealthy things do not. In fact, the things that receive inadequate care, rather than staying the same, weaken and deteriorate, eventually dying.

One Team Is Changing Costa Rica. They’re an Example for Us All

My team and I met Javier Brenes during our first year running WinShape Camps International in Costa Rica. Little did we know how many lives he and his wife would change in his home community after we left.

Get in on the Growing Impact of Digital Missions

In a rapidly evolving digital age, investing in digital missions allows the church to remain relevant and connect with younger generations increasingly reliant on digital mediums for information and community.

Shadow Side of Mission: Fostering Learning and Healing in Missions

An important link between our identity as God’s missional people and our participation in God’s mission is the kingdom ethic that gives shape to the shared live of God’s holy, yet imperfect people.

The Effectiveness of Missional Discipleship: 5 Reasons Your Local Church Should Be Supporting Missions

It is of utmost importance that our churches support missions. Here’s five reasons why.

Loren Cunningham, Founder of Youth With A Mission (YWAM), Has Died

Loren Cunningham, founder of Youth With A Mission (YWAM), peacefully passed away in his home on Friday (Oct. 6) at the age of 88.

Shadow Side of Mission: Ethical Considerations for Missional Work

We are called to reach people with the gospel of Jesus Christ. There can be a shadow side to our Great Commission endeavors that requires a shift to consider the social and transformational impact of our mission. 

I Stand by the Door

"Nothing else matters compared to helping them find it, and open it, and walk in, and find Him. So I stand by the door." And so should we all.