pastor burnout
5 Simple Ways To Prevent Youth Pastor Burnout and Turnover
The average stay of a youth pastor is around 18 months. Although I can’t confirm this exact number, it’s clear that youth pastor burnout and turnover is a real thing.
5 Ways Pastors Can Keep From Overextending Themselves
Pastors who do too much for too long eventually end up burning out. Here are five things pastors can do to keep from overextending and exhausting themselves.
Mental Health
How to Protect Your Life and Ministry from Burnout With Juanita Campbell Rasmus
Juanita Campbell Rasmus discusses warning signs that pastors and ministry leaders are spread too thin, as well as ways to stay centered in Christ and avoid burnout—or maybe tapping out of ministry altogether.
Mental Health
Podcast Special: Sharon Hodde Miller on Craving Control, Anxiety, and Pastor Burnout
In this conversation on FrontStage BackStage, host Jason Daye is joined by Sharon Hodde Miller. They discuss our cravings for control and look at healthy ways to avoid anxiety, broken relationships, and even pastor burnout. @pastorserve
Articles for Pastors
Who Really Cares If Pastors Quit?
Edify Leaders, a pastoral care and ministry coaching organization, has gone on high alert in response to an alarming report by Barna Research that 51% of mainline pastors are considering quitting the ministry.
Christian News
‘Pastor After Pastor’ Thinking About Leaving Ministry Because of Criticism, Burnout
Dan White Jr. shared with his Twitter followers that he speaks to many pastors who are discouraged and burning out from constant criticism. Many expressed their ability to relate.Â