Christian News
Andy Stanley Criticizes the SBC for Removing Rick Warren, Saddleback Church
In a sermon on Sunday (June 30), Pastor Andy Stanley of North Point Community Church criticized the Southern Baptist Convention's (SBC) removal of Rick Warren's Saddleback Church from the denomination for ordaining women as pastors.
Ben Shapiro Religion: A Look at His Religious and Political Views
Ben Shapiro, a prominent Jewish Orthodox figure, is often misunderstood regarding his religious beliefs, particularly about Christianity. As a public personality, his opinions carry...
Christ and His Kingdom, Not Politics, Should Be the Central Fixture of Our Focus
Never have God’s people needed the reminder more that the key to influence and change in this world is not, and never has been, politics. It is faithfulness to Jesus.
Love Your God More, Not Your Country Less
As we enter an election season, love for country will be a topic of conversation.
Christian News
William Barber on Recruiting Low-Wage Voters, Biden’s Record on Poverty
'If you leave this many people in poverty and low wealth, you open up the door for demagogues and people who will use people’s fears and hurts against them,' said the Rev. William Barber.
8 Principles for Pastoring in a Politicized Age
Rightly practiced, pastoring in a politicized age and preaching doesn’t minimize the trials of the week, but simply regulates them to a different kingdom.
Christian News
Votes on War Force Washington Democrats To Reckon With Faith, Conscience and Politics
‘Did I want to take that vote? No,’ Rep. Greg Landsman said of his recent vote to censure Rep. Rashida Tlaib.
Christian News
Oliver Anthony Hates That #1 Song Is Being ‘Weaponized’ by Politicians, Believes ‘Divine Intervention’ Put Him in This Position
Oliver Anthony, who is known for his viral rise to fame over the last month, has cleared the political air regarding who is actually the subject of his song “Rich Men North of Richmond."