Christian News
Study: QAnon Draws From Several Faith Groups, Numbers More Than 40 Million
A new study finds devotees of the conspiracy theory movement known as QAnon number in the tens of millions, a sizable coalition that claims a number of white evangelicals but draws from other religious groups as well.
Christian News
‘One Religion’? Flynn Also Recited a Doomsday Cult Leader’s Prayer at a September Church Event
In an appearance at a Nebraska church in September, Michael Flynn led the audience in a prayer in which he mentioned “legions” and “sevenfold rays." This caused some QAnon adherents to claim Flynn follows Satan, but Flynn was actually quoting former cult leader Elizabeth Clare Prophet.
Christian News
Hundreds of Regular Churchgoers Among QAnon Believers Awaiting JFK Jr.’s Resurrection in Dallas
According to reports, many at the recent QAnon gathering were regular churchgoers who see QAnon conspiracy theories as integral to their faith.
Christian News
‘The Passion of the Christ’ Actor Jim Caviezel Speaks at QAnon Conference, Quotes Braveheart
Jim Caviezel, the actor who famously portrayed Jesus in "The Passion of the Christ," spoke at “The Patriot Voice” conference over the weekend. The conference has ties to the QAnon community.
Christian News
TN Pastor Calls Biden ‘Demon-Possessed,’ Threatens to Sue Media Outlets
Pastor Greg Locke claims that Donald Trump is still America’s “legitimate” president and warns of child-trafficking tunnels underneath the White House. He also says he intends to sue the “pants off” CNN and Newsweek for their coverage of him and his church.
Christian News
US Intel Report Warns of More Violence by QAnon Followers
A new federal intelligence report warns QAnon followers, the conspiracy theory embraced by some in the mob that stormed the U.S. Capitol, could target Democrats and other political opponents for more violence as the movement's false prophecies increasingly fail to come true.
Christian News
I Believe! … In QAnon? What Nonbelievers Don’t Get About Conspiracy Beliefs
This is about more than partisan politics. If we want to better understand and address the popularity of conspiracy beliefs, we need to look toward religion and the nature of belief itself.
Christian News
Billy Graham’s Granddaughter Says ‘I’m Not Sure Jesus Would Be Welcomed in an American Church Today’
Billy Graham's granddaughter, Jerushah Duford, told CNN Business “I’m not sure Jesus would be welcomed in an American church today.”