

For the Long Haul, Go Deep

My early years were characterized by a mad rush to the pastorate. I took a Bachelor of Theology Honors degree, which was a Master of Divinity with a year tacked on for those with no undergraduate degree. I graduated and took my first pastorate at the age of 24. I was ordained less than two years later.

Reading Scripture in 2021: Focus on Quality Over Quantity

As we approach the New Year, many believers are considering Bible reading plans. This is good and right, since God calls His people to be men and women, boys and girls of His word.

You Have Time to Read the Bible!

The most common excuse we give to not read the Bible is time. “We don’t have enough time.” Now we do have that time.

5 Keys for Leaders to Read the Bible in a Year

Reading the bible all the way through is not in and of itself spiritually significant. But the discipline of spending time in scripture can yield marvelous results. Here's the plan I followed.

The 20 Most Read Articles on churchleaders.com in 2019

With over 26 million views, ChurchLeaders has been blessed to be able to provide you with quality articles that provide leadership tools, encouragement, ideas, insight, and news to equip the church. Here are the most read articles from 2019. Which ones did you miss reading?

Do You Read Your Bible Like Your Newsfeed?

My friends, your Bible is not your Facebook newsfeed. There is no option to click “See more stories like this” or “See less of that.”

Do People Tell You Not to Read ‘Those Books’?

I urge pastors to take an hour occasionally to sit in the periodicals section of their public library and browse all those magazines no one has never heard of.

I’m a Complementarian and I Read Books by Women Writers

Can men learn from women writers? Tim Challies thinks so, and he doesn't believe that viewpoint is at odds with his adherence to complementarianism.