Ryan Burge: The Biggest Reason Why People Are Leaving Church
Dr. Ryan Burge joins “The Stetzer ChurchLeaders Podcast” to share what the data actually shows about why people are leaving church and what church leaders can do to encourage them to come back.
Christian News
Is Religion Good for You? The Answer Is Complicated, New Global Gallup Report Finds.
A review of 10 years of global polling looks at the complicated connection between spirituality and health.
Christian News
‘The Great Dechurching’ Explores America’s Religious Exodus
A new study looks at why millions of Americans left church — and what might bring them back.
Children's Ministry Leaders
UK Report Finds Britons’ Lack of Faith Knowledge Deeply Disturbing
A newly published UK report, commissioned four years ago by then-Prime Minister Boris Johnson, cites a profound need for improving Britons' knowledge of religion in general and for protecting faith in an increasingly secularized landscape.
Christian News
John Blake, Journalist on Religion and Race, Goes Personal With New Memoir
'We really need to tell these stories about hope,' said Blake. 'There's a lot of Americans now who have given up ... and believe racism is just a permanent part of American life.'
Christian News
‘The Problem Is Leadership’ — Andy Stanley on the Decline of Religious Values in United States
Andy Stanley, pastor of North Point Community Church, recently spoke out about the church's "leadership problem" and role in finding a solution to America's loneliness epidemic.
Christian News
Report: LGBTQ Americans Tend to Be Younger and Have No Religion
The new report from PRRI also found that many religious Americans support LGBTQ nondiscrimination rights, even those who oppose same sex-marriage.
Christian News
How a Little-Known Editor Made God a Bestseller by Helping Americans Let Go of Religion
A chance encounter at a party led religion professor Stephen Prothero to rediscover the story of Eugene Exman, a longtime book publisher who helped transform American religion.