
resources blog posts

7 Things You May Not Know About Jesus

There are surprising things you may not know about Jesus. In our book, Jesus: A Theography, Leonard Sweet and I take 424 pages to show that both the Old and New Testaments tell the story of Jesus in great detail.

Why An Ash Wednesday Service?

You don't need to observe Ash Wednesday. This isn't a command. There is no rule for it. In fact, as far as Church traditions go, it is a fairly late development-- and by late I mean around the 8th century.

Honor Cell Leaders with Rest and Reflection on Christ’s Incarnation

by Bill Joukhadar A successful cell leader is not someone who believes "they" have it all together - "they" alone can do the job. How...

"More Money Will Make Me More Generous" Is An Illusion

One of the greatest illusions of our day is: More Money Will Make Me More Generous. My wife, Brandi, and I have always enjoyed hosting...

Andy Stanley: Circles Are Better Than Rows

Had the great privilege of attending the Re:Group conference recently and there was a moment in one of the main sessions that I just...

New Discipleship Research: Selflessness Leads to Spiritual Maturity

Throughout the year, we have been releasing new research in support of Transformational Discipleship. This latest research is on "Serving God and Others"-- one of...

Communicating WHY in a What, When World

Simon Sinek, author of Start With Why shares a very simple concept; no one cares what you’re doing until they understand why you’re doing...

Be Stressed Out and Do Not Sin

I love the Book of Psalms. As authoritative models of prayer and worship, we return to them often for help (When we don't know...