

Shepherds Are Shaped by the Sheep

Life in the local church offers nourishment, protection, and growth—all things that the shepherd needs as much as the sheep.

How to Lead When Nothing Is Normal

This is not the time to give up, your congregation needs you more than ever, but as a leader, you do get to be human. Let’s talk about that: How to Lead When Nothing Is Normal

Small Group Leader, You Are a Pastor

If you are a small group leader, I have an announcement for you: YOU ARE A PASTOR. In fact, most of the pastors in the early centuries of the church did the same stuff you do as a small group leader.

Shepherd and Lead the Teacher in You

Kenton Beshore (my predecessor and pastor emeritus at our church) and I meet every other week for lunch, and I always learn something. Recently...

A Few Creeds Plus the Bible: How to Shepherd a Church toward the Use of Confessions

Creeds and confessions bring unity to the church in both its orthodoxy and its orthopraxy, thus protecting the church from heterodoxy. But how does a pastor cast a confessional vision of church for a church that has never been confessional?

The Two Kinds of Church Leaders: The Rancher-Shepherd Divide

There are good cases for a pastor acting more like a shepherd than a rancher and vice-versa. The bottom line is, the Church needs both ranchers and shepherds.

10 Reasons Why Pastoring Is the Best Job in the World

Never in nearly three decades of being a senior pastor have I known those in my profession to be more battered and beleaguered. Still, being a pastor is the best job in the world.

Why Can’t Pastors Agree on What a Pastor Is?

The job title and ecclesiological office of pastor is one that encompasses a variety of definitions, often confusing and contradictory ones.