Christian News
Mark Driscoll Advises Singles: ‘It’s Not About How Old or Wise You Are, It’s About How Prepared You Are for Marriage’
Mark Driscoll, senior pastor of the Trinity Church in Scottsdale, Arizona, posted a clip from his latest Genesis sermon series titled “Why is Your Spouse the Second Most Important Decision of Your Life?”
Articles for Outreach & Missions
Singles Church Events – Please Give Us Space to Mingle
Even well-meaning church leaders might be unaware of the pain a lot of Christian singles feel when it comes to finding a potential spouse. The church can step in to create singles events that are just the right balance of intentionality and fluidity.
Articles for Outreach & Missions
8 Single Principles for a Singles Ministry
What are the keys to starting and growing a singles ministry that reaches singles? A panel of singles pastors agreed that every singles ministry—small or large—is based on eight specific principles.
Articles for Outreach & Missions
6 Tips for Singles During Quarantine
That’s great for those who have a babymaking pard’ner, but what about us single folk? What about those of us cooped up with our roommates like me, or worse, all alone? There are 6 tips for singles during quarantine that just might help you get through this season.
Articles for Outreach & Missions
4 Reasons We Need a Marriage Series for Singles
The thought of a marriage series for singles might seem odd. Like most Christian single people, I was a huge fan of marriage. But I wasn’t married. I am still indebted to the people in my life who taught me about marriage before I ever entered into it.
Articles for Outreach & Missions
The Common Difference Between Single Men and Women
During a recent sermon, I got a few laughs of recognition when I described what I see as a huge difference between Christian women and men who are looking to get married.