Christian News
Pastor-Prophet Johnny Enlow Compares Super Bowl to ‘Fraudulent’ 2020 Election
Johnny Enlow, a Tennessee pastor and self-described prophet who believes Donald Trump is still the legitimate president, drew comparisons between last Sunday’s NFL championship game and the 2020 presidential election.
Christian News
Los Angeles Send Relief Ministry Center Consistent Presence as Super Bowl Visitors Arrive
California rates among the top states in human trafficking, with Los Angeles easily being the epicenter. As the Super Bowl is set to take place on Sunday Send Relief is sharing the gospel and fighting human trafficking.
Articles for Outreach & Missions
One Story Behind the Pro-Life Super Bowl Ad You Didn’t See This Year
Fox Sports chose not to air the Faces of Choice ad during the Super Bowl. The message was in hopes for people to be inspired by getting involved in the pro-life movement by joining pregnancy help or adoption support ministries in their local churches.
Christian News
3 Players Who Will be Playing for Jesus in the Big Game
"I’ve grown up in church, and [faith] really helps you know why you’re playing the game, and who you’re doing it for," Patrick Mahomes says.
Christian News
The Most Important Coaches on the Field at the Super Bowl
NFL players of faith often lean on "character coaches" to help them navigate the sometimes stressful world of professional football. Chaplain Kevin Nickerson of the L.A. Rams and Chaplain Jack Easterby of the New England Patriots are eager to answer the call.