Children's Ministry Leaders
10 Things Great Children’s Ministry Leaders Know
What makes a great leader? What sets apart great children's ministry leaders from mediocre children's ministry leaders?
What Is Most Important for a Church Guest Services Team?
Regardless of structure or scope of responsibility, the most important responsibility of your guest services team is to demonstrate the gospel to everyone who comes through your church's doors.
Articles for Pastors
7 Ways To Lose Ministry Volunteers
If ministry volunteers aren’t validated in the ministry you lead, then they will look for another place where they are.
Articles for Children's Ministry Leaders
What To Do When a Volunteer Is Burned Out
How can you help a volunteer who is burned out in your ministry? Let's start by talking about how you can identify a volunteer who is burned out.
Articles for Children's Ministry Leaders
16 Tips for Recruiting Children’s Ministry Volunteers
Recruiting children's ministry volunteers who genuinely want to serve kids and teach them about Christ's love isn't as difficult as it might seem.
Articles for Children's Ministry Leaders
Church Volunteer Burnout: Why It’s NOT Their Fault
Church volunteer burnout is costly, and it often comes back to poor leadership. Discover how to avoid seven mistakes with your kidmin helpers.
Articles for Children's Ministry Leaders
Recruit Children’s Ministry Volunteers With These 6 Tips
Knowing how to recruit volunteers for children’s ministry can be tough. So we’ve compiled six tips for recruiting kidmin volunteers.
Articles for Children's Ministry Leaders
How to Retain Volunteers: Why the Best Helpers Regularly Return
Want to know how to retain volunteers? Discover 5 reasons the best helpers return to children's ministry year after year!