Christian News
Abortion-Related Initiatives on Ballot in Five States
Southern Baptists and other citizens in five states will make decisions in the Nov. 8 elections on abortion policies.
Christian News
Kansas Voters Resoundingly Protect Their Access to Abortion
Kansas voters on Tuesday sent a resounding message about their desire to protect abortion rights.
Christian News
Kansas First State To Vote on Abortion Since Roe’s Demise
Will Kansas voters ban abortion? The state Tuesday was holding the nation's first test of voter feelings about the recent Supreme Court decision overturning Roe v. Wade.
Christian News
Does It Really Matter If Christians Vote? A Pastoral Response
One of the big questions U.S. Christians are faced with every November (especially every four years when Americans elect a new president) is: “Should a Christian vote?”
Christian News
Dr. Tony Evans: You Can’t Love God and Hate Your (Democrat/Republican) Brother or Sister
Dr. Tony Evans continues his series on Kingdom voting, emphasizing that if Jesus is truly Lord of our lives, no political system will be able to divide us. In fact, what will happen is quite the opposite.
Christian News
Poll Chaplains Plan to Bring a ‘prayerful presence’ to Precincts This Election Day
The New Georgia Project is one of several groups training clergy to be poll chaplains this Election Day at polling places across the country. The role of poll chaplain combines the kind of care clergy are used to offering with monitoring the polls for any signs of voter intimidation or suppression.