Christian News
Submit to Husband and Make Pancakes If Asked, Pastor Tells Wives
Jared Pozarnsky, pastor of Hold Fast Baptist Church in Fresno, California, says wives need to be prepared to change up their meal plans at short notice. In a June 24 video clip, the California preacher explains passages from Ephesians and Acts, spending some time on his view of submission in marriage.
Christian News
‘Our Husbands’ Shoes Are Way Too Big for Us’—Ladies Bible Study Post Goes Viral
A post that has gone viral on Twitter shows attendees at a ladies Bible study trying on their husbands’ shoes. The goal of exercise was for the women to learn not to take on their husbands’ role and responsibilities, which according to the post, are more burdensome than their wives.’
Articles for Pastors
5 Misconceptions About Pastors’ Wives
Misconceptions About Pastors' Wives - Although you and your husband are one flesh, you are not the same person. The way God made you is different than how he made your husband. God knew what he was doing in putting the two of you together. He doesn’t make mistakes.
Articles for Pastors
Wives and Porn and Busy Church Leaders
What do you say to a wife who is experiencing firsthand the detrimental effects pornography is having on her marriage? Are you prepared to minister to someone experiencing pornography effects?
Articles for Pastors
12 Sticky Issues Facing Pastors’ Wives
Viewing pastors wives as a “second-class” citizen is hurtful, not to mention sinful. There are no easy answers other than loving them strongly and caring deeply for them—being sensitive to the pressures they are also experiencing being in the ministry.
Articles for Outreach & Missions
Is The Man Really the ‘Head of the Household’?
If a guy is really being a leader in the home, doesn’t that mean he should be the one expecting or even demanding his own way?
Articles for Outreach & Missions
To Discouraged Pastors and Their Wives
Ministry struggles breed tension in marriages and families.
Articles for Outreach & Missions
Celebrating Awesome Wives: How to Spot One, How to Keep One
A godly wife isn't easy to find! There are several qualities husbands most admire in their wives long-term. When looking for a future wife, you would do well to consider them!