
word of god

Build Church on Word of God To Look Like Jesus, Sanchez Exhorts SBC

In his sermon to Southern Baptists gathered at the 2022 SBC Annual Meeting, Juan Sanchez encouraged pastors to build congregations on the Word of God.

Celebrity Pastors: Making Much of Men

We must guard ourselves from the celebrity pastors syndrome. By all means appreciate those men with evident credibility, but give God's Word the place which he has given to it.

What the Word of God Says About the Word of God, Book by Book

What God says about his word is a deep, complex, and staggering thing. And each book of the written word testifies to the wonder of his revelation. I decided to take a look, book by book, selecting a representative passage from each to highlight many of the things God's word says about God's words.

7 Reasons You Need a Sermon Evaluation Team

All of us who preach regularly need to have a team that evaluates our preaching.