

German Catholics Admit Church Was ‘complicit’ in Nazi Crimes

Ahead of this week’s 75-year observance of the end of World War II in Europe, bishops of the German Catholic Church released a document...

Scottish Minister Who Helped 2,000 People Escape the Nazis Memorialized in France

A plaque memorializing the efforts of Scottish minister Donald Caskie was recently unveiled in France. Caskie helped approximately 2,000 people escape from France when it was under Nazi rule in WWII.

Billy Graham’s Evangelism Featured in New Film About WWII Hero

Will Graham, the grandson of Billy Graham, is continuing his grandfather's legacy in an interesting way. Will plays his grandfather in a new Unbroken film, which continues the story of Louis Zamperini.

Grandson Will on Playing Billy Graham in Upcoming Film

Will Graham, grandson of Billy Graham, called it a privilege to portray his grandfather on the silver screen.