The Rebranding of Latter-Day Saints to a Christian Denomination: How Should Christians Respond?

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A Clear Shift in Terminology

In a 2018 article for CNN, writer Doug Criss described the shift away from the word “Mormon” in a new style guide released by the LDS that year:

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is embarking on a rebranding effort of sorts.

The church, commonly referred to as the Mormons, really wants people to stop using that word. It also wants people to stop using LDS as an abbreviation. From now on, it prefers that people use the church’s full name, and when a shortened reference is needed, to just use “the Church” or “Church of Jesus Christ.”

These preferences are contained in a new style guide that the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints released Thursday. It states that while “the term ‘Mormon Church’ has long been publicly applied to the Church as a nickname, it is not an authorized title, and the Church discourages its use.” It also asks that the term “Mormons” not be used in references to members.

Also out: the word “Mormonism,” which the style guide states is an “inaccurate” word to use to describe the “doctrine, culture and lifestyle unique to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.” But the word Mormon is fine to use in proper names, like the Book of Mormon, or in historical expressions like the Mormon Trail.

The article notes these changes were put in a new style guide by the LDS, which discourages the use of the term “Mormon.” This is interesting, considering the importance of the Book of Mormon to their faith. Claremont University professor Patrick Mason helps us to understand that this is, in part, because “church leadership really wants to emphasize the fact that it is a Christian church.”

How Do We Respond?

1. Be Clear on the Unchanging Nature of Christianity To Recognize False Rivals to It.

Wanting to use the Christian label without believing biblical Christian theology simply will not work. The fundamental beliefs of Mormonism about Jesus and Scripture are not the same as historic, orthodox Christianity. Paul warned about preaching a different Jesus. We affirm the Bible as the Word of God. This means we reject the Book of Mormon, Doctrine and Covenants, or the Pearl of Great Price. 

Can you believe, for instance, that Muhammad is not the prophet and still call yourself a Muslim? The vast majority of Muslims would say you cannot. For Christians, calling yourself a Christian while not believing that God has always existed as the triune Father, Son, and Holy Spirit is just as inconceivable. It may be unpopular to state your belief that a certain religious group is not actually Christian, but it is true.

2. Maintain a Winsome Tone in Evangelism and Public Conversation.

Learn about Mormonism so that you can speak with clarity and accuracy. Treat all people with respect regardless of their belief system—including Mormons. 

I have a passion for helping Christians to live on mission, evangelize their neighbors, plant churches, and send missionaries. My concern is to reach LDS people, not just label them. That’s why I don’t lead with words like “cult,” because the term simply does not carry a theological meaning to most people. For most, they think of a compound in Waco, Texas, or Jonestown, Guyana. But that’s not Mormonism. It is more helpful to talk about the LDS as a different religion, as we do Islam or Hinduism, and to share the true gospel with LDS people accordingly.

For evangelicals and others, “Christian” is more than a self-identified label. In America, where today being tolerant is a top virtue, saying some are Christians and others are not cuts against the current of culture. A 2011 Lifeway study of 1,000 Protestant pastors found that 75% disagreed with the statement, “I personally consider Mormons…to be Christians.” In other words, the view that “Mormons are not Christians” is the widely and strongly held view among Protestant pastors

“Christianity” is not defined merely by what you say about yourself or your beliefs. “Christianity” must be connected to how your beliefs agree with the beliefs of biblical Christianity.

So, let’s be aware of this desire to switch from different religion to just another denomination, and let’s continue to show and share the biblical gospel to our LDS friends.

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Ed Stetzer
Ed Stetzer, Ph.D., is the Dean of Talbot School of Theology at Biola Univeristy and Scholar in Residence & Teaching Pastor at Mariners Church. He has planted, revitalized, and pastored churches; trained pastors and church planters on six continents; earned two master’s degrees and two doctorates; and has written hundreds of articles and a dozen books. He is Regional Director for Lausanne North America, is the Editor-in-Chief of Outreach Magazine, and regularly writes for news outlets such as USA Today and CNN. Dr. Stetzer is the host of "The Stetzer ChurchLeaders Podcast," and his national radio show, "Ed Stetzer Live," airs Saturdays on Moody Radio and affiliates.

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