The Impossibility of Being a Pastor

impossibility of being a pastor
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Jerome closed his eyes as he voiced aloud his new paradigm, “So we care for the sheep, so that the sheep will make more …” 

“Disciples,” Choyz interrupted. “Except, our job is to equip shepherds to create environments where disciples are reproduced.”

Luca smiled a fatherly smile. He could see that lightbulbs were coming on.”

(“Once You See,” pages 108-109)

RELATED: A Novel Approach to Tackling Common Temptations in the Western Church

Interested in a next step? Jeff Christopherson, Lance Ford, and Rich Robinson will be facilitating a series of learning cohorts on the Kingdom Correctives to the Seven Temptations of the Western Church. If you would like information on this, contact

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Jeff Christopherson
Jeff Christopherson is about fostering Kingdom movements of reproducing churches that transform neighborhoods and the world with the gospel of Jesus Christ. Jeff is the Executive Director of two organizations; the Canadian National Baptist Convention, and Church Planting Canada. He and his wife, Laura, live in Cambridge, Ontario. They have two children, and four grandchildren.

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