Home Children's Ministry Leaders Equip Volunteers in Your Church Ministry With These 8 Ideas

Equip Volunteers in Your Church Ministry With These 8 Ideas

equip volunteers

Knowing how to equip volunteers is key to a thriving church ministry program. Because we live in an instant-everything culture, we’re always looking for ways to save time. After all, if I can have my car oil changed in 10 minutes, why can’t I equip volunteers with ease and speed?

Volunteer training takes more than a quick fix. But you can do several quick things to energize your ministry volunteers.

Check out these 8 time-saving ideas to equip volunteers for the long run.

Use These 8 Ideas to Equip Volunteers

1. Email Energy

Almost everyone has access to email. So rather than holding another meeting, pass along training tips by email. Build an address list so with one click of the button you can send a note of encouragement, teacher-training information, or program updates. Your volunteers can click Reply All to exchange comments with the entire email list.

2. Tape-Talk

Instead of doing all your equipping face-to-face, consider voice-to-ear. Record an audio track (think like a Podcast!) on a training topic so your volunteers can train as they go. That commute to work each morning or walk after dinner could double as training time. And you don’t have to invest in lengthy research for your script. Simply share about a current article on child development and then tell your response to it.

3. Training

With the click of a button, you can send out a virtual “class” and have your volunteers train at home. Many colleges and training centers offer low-cost distance-learning courses that would be beneficial for people who minister to kids. Some insurance companies offer classes on risk management and safety — most of which are free to policyholders.

4. You’ve Got Mail

While email is the norm today, it just doesn’t have the same impact as good old-fashioned snail mail. Send out “teacher tips” from your curriculum guides and other educational sources with a handwritten sticky note of encouragement. Sprinkle a little confetti in the envelope before sealing for a festive delivery. Everyone loves to get a surprise in the mail.