Home Worship & Creative Leaders Jim Carrey’s Artistic Rendition of the Face of Jesus is Amazing

Jim Carrey’s Artistic Rendition of the Face of Jesus is Amazing


Jim Carrey: I Need color from SGG on Vimeo.

Actor Jim Carrey is a prolific artist. One of his favorite subjects to paint? Jesus.

In the following video, Carrey explains how art has impacted him. Art has an “immediacy to it,” he says, almost reverently. Painting frees him from “the past, the future, regret, and worry.”

Growing up, Carrey says he “Spent half the time in my living room, performing for people. The other half of the time in my room, sketching. Alone.”

Carrey’s studio is full of all kinds of works of art from sculptures to paintings to sketches. One subject he returns to time and again is the face of Jesus.

“The energy that surrounds Jesus is electric. I don’t know if Jesus is real; I don’t know if he lived; I don’t know what he means. But the paintings of Jesus are really my desire to convey Christ consciousness. I wanted you to have the feeling when you look in his eyes that he was accepting of who you are. I wanted him to be able to stare at you and heal you from the painting.”

As far as what Jesus might have looked like, Carrey has this to say: “You can find every race in the face of Jesus. And I think that’s how every race imagines Jesus. They imagine him as their own.”

For Carrey, art is about love. “The bottom line with all of this—whether it’s performance or it’s art or it’s sculpture—is love. We want to show ourselves and have that be accepted. I love being alive and the art is the evidence of that.”

While Carrey is clearly on the fence about knowing Jesus as Savior, his words about Jesus and his connection with art point to a seeking soul.