Have You Walked Through Pain?

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A. W. Tozer once said, “It is doubtful whether God can bless a man greatly until he has hurt him deeply.” Tozer wrote those words in a previous generation of Christianity. He did not intend to imply that God wishes to cause pain in the lives of his children, rather, that God has determined to use the pain that will inevitably find us for our good. And here’s the truth: most people who have been used greatly by God have also been greatly wounded. They’ve walked through pain. They bear some scars and they’ve carried crosses.

Have You Walked Through Pain?

God shapes us through pain. He cleanses us through it, as well. He sharpens our spiritual senses, detaches us from all that is temporary and fleeting, and gives us glimpses into the majesty of King Jesus when we hurt.

Paul said of his own experience,

Quite frankly, I don’t want to be bothered anymore by these disputes. I have far more important things to do—the serious living of this faith. I bear in my body scars from my service to Jesus.

Galatians 6:17 MSG

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Brandon Coxhttp://brandonacox.com/
Brandon Cox is Lead Pastor of Grace Hills Church, a new church plant in northwest Arkansas. He also serves as Editor and Community Facilitator for Pastors.com and Rick Warren's Pastor's Toolbox and was formerly a Pastor at Saddleback Church in Lake Forest, California. In his spare time, he offers consultation to church leaders about communication, branding, and social media. He and his wife, Angie, live with their two awesome kids in Bentonville, Arkansas.

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