One of my favorite stories of Jesus is His interaction with the Canaanite woman whose daughter was possessed by a demon. She tells Jesus her problem, but the disciples try to push her away from Him. Jesus waits in silence. The Canaanite woman then utters a one-sentence prayer that moves Jesus into action. One-sentence prayers are powerful
The woman came and knelt before him. “Lord help me!” she said. (Matthew 15:25)
How would our day change if we utter those same words and fill our one-sentence prayers with the problems we have?
Sometimes I convince myself that I’m too busy to pray. The reality is, though, we can pray a simple prayer. God will answer one-sentence prayers, because He answers our prayers not by how eloquently we pray but by how much faith we pray with.
God doesn’t need a 30-minute prayer session to be moved into action. He just needs faith and a sentence to call Him to do something. Here are 20 one-sentence prayers that you can pray anytime and anywhere that could change your day and that of those around you.
20 One-Sentence Prayers
1. Lord help me be a better spouse and better parent today than I was yesterday and the day before that.
This prayer I should be silently praying anytime I go to the fridge. What a prayer to quickly pray when you are with your family that God will be happy to answer if only we would.
2. Lord help me to show this person your love and attention in a way that they haven’t seen before.
Next time you meet with someone, let this prayer roll of your tongue silently before a word you speak to him or her. Every encounter we have is an encounter to change how someone views God.
3. Lord help me believe that you are with me even when I’m unsure if you are.
God is with us! We know this theologically, but sometimes in the face of chaos or trials we forget to live this out practically. Next time you feel anxious or uncertain, ask God give you a little nudge to remind you He is with you.
4. Lord help me turn from my sin when my sin turns toward me.
David said, “My sin is always before me.” Yikes. Sometimes instead of knocking, sin rings the doorbell. When temptation comes, let this prayer help you not answer its call.
5. Lord help me do the things I know I should be doing but currently I am not.
God is great at giving us a push in the back. There are things you know God is asking you to do but currently you aren’t. What better way to start doing them than asking God to help you.
6. Lord help me to believe that I can make a difference in someone’s life today by just saying something nice to them.
The words you say to people are little parachute bombs filled with either rocks or flowers. Words hurt or help people, and sometimes we forget this.
7. Lord help me believe your Word can be like a flashlight and guide me down this darkened path.
I know not many of us are trudging the Oregon trail at night, but metaphorically we are on the path of life. Sometimes it gets dark, and when it does, remember God has provided the ultimate light source, His Word.