3. You do the latest song or idea because it’s the latest song or idea.
Content is king in worship, not the buzz of the newest thing. We should be building a local community of worshipers, not simply echoing what others are doing. What is the voice of the prayers and songs of your own people?
4. Worship team members are there more for their talent or to play music and not for their spiritual growth.
Sure, hire the best people to make the music pop, but is that your goal? The story of the messengers or artists on stage is important. They are not just tools, they are real people you put up there. Hire people, by the way. But, treat them like…people.
5. The goal for the congregation is a feeling, not a transformation.
I am all for emotive expression of worship, it’s just that the goal is that we are formed into the image of Jesus a bit more by all that we do in worship and life. So, to just reduce the outcome to sentiment is just a bad idea. Period. Do we expect a “religious” or spiritual encounter to actually change us?