Rehearsal Mix is new to us, but it’s become a valued gem for our singers & instrumentalists. Rehearsal Mix is place where you can hear all the different parts of your song—from the tenor part to the organ part (if there is one) down to the rhythm of the shaker in the percussion. The best part is, the integration with Planning Center in phenomenal, and incredibly easy to use.
Let’s be honest—if you’re not part of a megachurch that staffs your entire band, then your musicians have a lot of work on their hands to make beautiful music happen. So what happens if you need your lead guitarist to learn a solo part? You head over to This resource is place where your guitarist can learn their parts by tutorials made for worship artists. And the price is killer: $15 a month for unlimited usage of their video tutorial library.
This is where everything starts coming together. The music from Praise Charts, the click from Multi-Tracks and the parts from Rehearsal Mix are linked and uploaded to Planning Center. Typically, when a choir/praise team member or band member click on a certain song in Planning Center, they will have lots of options and resources to practice. Make sure to also add the BPM, time signature and sequence when adding a song so your band knows exactly what they are suppose to sound like.
Here’s what just one song looks like in Planning Center for us:
So there you have it—my five-step process to hand over everything I have to my people to get them ready. Typically, my worship team will get service plans two to three months in advance. Trust me when I say, this does not happen overnight. This is something you have to be extremely responsible in worship planning—but in the long run, your music will be better and more efficient.
Here’s a post from Miles about some of the resources he uses too!
This article about worship planning originally appeared here.