Home Youth Leaders Articles for Youth Leaders 31 Ministry Roles and Responsibilities for Teens

31 Ministry Roles and Responsibilities for Teens

roles and responsibilities for teens

I like a busy youth ministry. I also like when kids come in and have a job; that’s why I don’t do everything. When I leave things undone on purpose, kids have something to do when they arrive. Roles and responsibilities for teens are essential for growing young servants and leaders.

More Roles, More Vision

I believe in the economy of youth ministry, with each program operating like a small city. When people are working and invested, there’s less crime, less blight and less vandalism. The same is true for our ministries. With more roles and responsibilities for teens, more kids serve weekly and monthly, and there’s less griping, less boredom and more vision.

Throughout the years, I’ve handed out a variety of roles and responsibilities for teens. Some were a natural part of my youth ministry, and some I created because certain students were gifted in a particular area. By the way, nothing on the list below is sacred or proprietary. If you can do a task yourself, then students can do it too, though they might need a little training and mentoring.

Consider These 31 Ministry Roles and Responsibilities for Teens:

1. Create worship slides

2. Make announcements

3. Take the offering

4. Read poetry

5. Provide a rap intro for the message

6. Share a faith testimony

7. Operate the café (serve snacks)

8. Set up chairs

9. Clean up after events

10. Lead a game

11. Sing a song

12. Do a dance

13. Do a drama or monologue

14. Play in the worship band

15. Lead worship and/or prayer

16. Design graphics

17. Serve as photographer

18. Serve as videographer

19. Run the ministry’s social media accounts

20. Run the sound board

21. Preach

22. Teach

23. Lead a small group

24. Run the computer

25. Draw an illustration

26. Edit video

27. Make movies or slides for the message (or just for fun!)

28. Greet people as they arrive

29. Follow up with guests

30. Mentor middle school students

31. Disciple new believers

For more details about my philosophy of student leadership, check out this video: “4 Ways to Move Your Youth Group From Consumer to Creators.” For my thoughts on the economy of youth ministry, read my article “Is Your Youth Ministry Hiring?

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This article about roles and responsibilities for teens originally appeared here.