Adam Russell
Adam Russell is a worship leader turned pastor. He also leads a worship band known simply as "The Embers." He and his wife, Heather, along with their three children, live and minister in central Kentucky.
Articles for Outreach & Missions
Great Leaders Embrace Mystery
One thing we all long for is simplicity. We’re looking for ways to reduce—to make the main things the main things and ways to push unimportant things to the side. But sometimes simple is overrated: sometimes we need to embrace mystery.
Articles for Worship & Creative
Worship Team Summer Tips to Deepen Your Roots
Summer is upon us, so here are some worship team summer tips to help your ministry grow deeper roots.
Articles for Outreach & Missions
Embracing The Gospel of Small
Isn’t he the God of all creation? Didn’t he speak the worlds by his words and part the Red Sea for Moses? Of course he did, and a good deal more. But then there's what I call the gospel of small.
Articles for Worship & Creative
Cigarettes and Black Leather . . . And Worship?
Art and rebellion go together like cigarettes and black leather, pessimism and sleeping in, anger and fear. But in worship?
Pastor How To's
How My Work as a Pastor Nearly Killed Me!
Consider Jesus, who endured from sinners such hostility against himself, so that you may not grow weary or fainthearted.
Articles for Worship & Creative
Zephaniah 3:17 — God, Are You Going to Embarrass Me?
The famous verse from Zephaniah is the sort of verse that used to make me nervous. As a young man, I wasn’t sure I wanted God to quiet me with his love, and I certainly didn’t want him to rejoice over me with singing.
Pastor How To's
What is Your Supreme Value – Would You Let Donald Trump on Your Church Leadership Team?
The main issue for those leading the church is simple: What is our supreme value? Simply leading? Or the God we are following?
Articles for Pastors
How to Overcome Election Fatigue
Three down-to-earth reminders every pastor should keep before the congregation.
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