Alison Cook

Alison Cook, PhD is a counselor, speaker, and the co-author of How to Turn Your Overwhelming Thoughts and Feelings into Your Greatest Allies. For over 20 years, Alison has helped women, ministry leaders, couples, and families learn how to heal painful emotions, develop confidence from the inside out, forge healthy relationships, and fully live out their God-given potential.

The Danger of Bypassing Your Emotions

Spiritual bypassing simply means that you use spiritual concepts, platitudes, or activities to “bypass” or avoid dealing with your true feelings, especially the hard ones like anger, grief, fear, loneliness, envy, and shame. Here are the dangers.

What is Healthy Faith Vs. Spiritual Bypassing?

This definition of faith brings together two contradictory ideas. First, faith is said to be like a firm foundation. Foundations are solid, often concrete. You can see, feel, and touch a foundation—there’s no question it exists.

The Sacred Work of Saying Yes to Yourself

Saying yes to yourself isn’t about being selfish. Instead, the work is sacred. It’s about staying connected to yourself and to God in deep and life-giving ways.

Should I Turn the Other Cheek?

When Jesus said to turn the other cheek, he was not advocating for spinelessness, nor was he advocating for you to take the offending party off the hook.

Are You Supposed to Distrust Yourself?

I was taught to distrust myself. After all, the heart is deceitful and wicked. For years, I second-guessed my every thought, feeling, or inkling. It felt wrong to listen to—let alone trust—my own instincts.

Are You Really Supposed to Die to Yourself?

For years, there has been a silent message that most of us have been taught to accept. It is based on an idea that is portrayed as Biblical. The message is that in order to be a good Christian in any situation, no matter how hard, you must die to yourself.

7 Ways to Increase Your Support Network and Why It Matters

Looking back, it couldn’t be clearer that setting up a support network has kept me strong through life’s challenges. By caring for my own emotional and spiritual health, I’ve had more to give to others.

The Risk of Asking for Help and How to Do It Wisely

For every risk there is in asking for help, there is out there some reward. I witness a lot of pain in my work, but I ALSO witness the beautiful handiwork of angels showing up in unexpected ways.

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