James Faris
James is a pastor of the Second Reformed Presbyterian Church in Indianapolis.
Articles for Outreach & Missions
Is the Sin of Gluttony Really That Serious?
How can we identify this sin in our lives?
Letter to a Young Mother on the Importance of Prayer
Discouraged by the worldliness of even seminary board members, James Faris (1791-1855) wrote his wife to pray for their son. This letter is a needed encouragement for all young mothers.
Articles for Pastors
Ministry With, Not Merely To
My friend who loves the best news of all was ministering with me by preaching Christ to my children. That’s what Christian friends do. They minister with each other and grow up together in Christ as Ephesians 4:15-16 describes:
Articles for Outreach & Missions
If You Want to Be a Servant-Leader…
If you want to be a servant-leader, then you’d better expect to be treated like a servant. There may be many components to finding your calling. But we’ll never find true satisfaction in it until we’re always serving and expecting to be treated like a servant.
Articles for Outreach & Missions
Face Masks: The New Sackcloth?
Face masks are a point of controversy these days of coronavirus. Like sackcloth, they’re uncomfortable, inconvenient, and goofy-looking. It makes sense to me that, rightly used, they can’t do much harm, and they probably can do a lot of good.
Articles for Pastors
When Old, They’ll Still Bear Fruit
Last month, my extended family and I sat with my dying grandmother over her final days. In the waning hours of her life, we...
Articles for Pastors
Why Study Local Church History?
Knowing the history of our “neighborhood” enables us, wherever we live, to know and serve both God and our neighbors better in our locale. How does knowing local church history equip us to better serve our neighbors?
Articles for Pastors
When a Superior Person Struggles With Envy
A person struggles with envy, he is fixated on the gap between himself and the person with whom he compares himself. Such fixation will kill a person.
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