Jon Bloom

Jon Bloom is the Executive Director for Desiring God Ministries

How to Defeat Your Distractions

Distraction is not defeated in a few fell blows, but by many small, habitual ones. Therefore, I will not promise to provide you in...

How To Find Deeper Intimacy With God

As Christians, we want to experience deeper intimacy with God. With the psalmist we say, “For me it is good to be near God” (Psalm 73:28). But we can seek that nearness in ways that don’t produce it.

Desiring God: How to Have Intimacy With God

Our experience of God’s nearness or distance is not a description of his actual proximity to us but of our experience of intimacy with him. This is as true in our relationship with God as it is in our relationships with other human beings.

Questions About the Bible: How You Can Be Ready to Answer Kids

Questions about the Bible come up often with young children. Kids are thinkers. They ask good and sometimes hard questions about Scripture. Read on to discover how to answer!

How to Humbly Give and Receive Correction

Because we struggle so much with pride, correction can be difficult to give graciously and difficult to receive graciously.

The Secret to Peace and Contentment

"God promises to give us peace and contentment if we trust him."

How Free Do You Really Want to Be?

Who are the freest people in the world? The people who are freest from the world. So, how free are you? I’m not asking if...

Satan Will Sing You to Sleep, Waking Up From Spiritual Indifference

“You don’t tell people about Jesus, because you don’t care about their eternal state.” His assertion stung. But I knew it was true. Confronted with...

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