Russell Moore
Dr. Russell Moore is editor-in-chief of Christianity Today. A native Mississippian, Moore and his wife Maria are the parents of five sons.
Articles for Pastors
7 Reasons Why Halloween Judgment Houses Often Miss the Mark
I know most Judgment Houses present the gospel at the end. But in the Bible, the good news doesn’t come at the end.
Articles for Children's Ministry Leaders
Importance of Sunday School: How KidMin Classes Nurture Children
What's the importance of Sunday school? Read on for insights about the life-changing nature of this nurturing program!
Christian News
The George Floyd Trial and the Longing for Justice
We can see to it that no one else ever faces the awful killing experienced by George Floyd and countless others. Even as we are glad for justice done, we should weep for injustices still at work, and for a life that is still gone.
Christian News
Russell Moore: Is the Johnson & Johnson COVID-19 Vaccine Unethical?
Some have wondered, seeing these headlines, whether taking a COVID-19 vaccine would cause them to be involved, somehow, in abortion or embryonic stem-cell research or in any way the taking of a human life.
Articles for Outreach & Missions
The Media’s Illiteracy Is Not Our Biggest Problem
The Apostle Paul wrote, “For what have I to do with judging outsiders? Is it not those inside the church whom you are to judge?” (1 Cor. 5:12). What we should worry more about is biblical illiteracy within the church—and it’s everywhere.
Articles for Pastors
The Difference Between Being Offended and Being Persecuted
"The most important thing the church can do to protect religious liberty and freedom of conscience is to hold to the gospel itself."
Articles for Pastors
When Will Your Church Be Back to Normal?
The truth is that we don’t know, nobody knows, exactly what is next in this awful time. But we do know one thing. There will not be a Sunday when, suddenly, everything is back to normal.
Articles for Outreach & Missions
The Killing of Ahmaud Arbery and the Justice of God
Whatever is ruled in the case of Ahmaud Arbery, we know that the blood cries from the ground in countless matters of violence and bloodshed. And God sees and knows.
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