You Can Recover From Burnout: 12 Keys to Finding Your New Normal
To recover from burnout and overwhelm, you need better patterns, not just a better attitude.
99 Questions for Hiring a Worship Pastor
What I have found over the years through consulting and numerous conversations with senior pastors and executive pastors is that they simply don’t know what to ask when hiring a worship pastor.
If You Understand Inflation You Can Protect Your Church
Although in the local church world, we may not see its impact right away, it is going to affect your church and mine. Does your church leadership understand inflation?
Church Hiring Practices vs Software Platform Policies
Many IT solution providers require churches and ministries to certify that they do not discriminate in their employment or hiring practices as a condition of qualifying for a donation from that provider in the form of a heavily discounted charity license.
How to Share Your Church Financial Report With the Congregation
Like any family, the church needs money to take care of its members and to do its job with a church financial report to congregation.
Post COVID-19: Is the Church Collection Plate a Thing of the Past?
Long before the pandemic hit, many churches in America had already shifted to online giving, so when the lockdown began, the lack of physical attendance had little impact on their donations. What is happening to the church collection plate?
Are Pastors Mandated Reporters Regarding Child Abuse?
Are pastors mandated reporters regarding child abuse? The laws vary by state, and some states are even in the process of changing their laws. Here's what you need to know if you work in a church.
Creating a Church Annual Report
If your church's fiscal year ends this summer, it’s almost that time of year again. Time to create your church annual report.