Articles for Children's Ministry Leaders
Perfect Peace for Imperfect Parents
"Failure isn’t an option in parenting. It’s an inevitability."
Articles for Children's Ministry Leaders
How to Interact With Children With Disabilities
Guideline #3: Always assume competence.
Children's Ministry How To's
5 Ways You MUST Lead Your Kidmin Volunteers
Are you leading your ministry without leading your volunteers? That's a good way to lose them.
Free Resources for Children's Ministry Leaders
Free Kids Lesson Package: “Diary of a Godly Kid”
"God has big plans for kids who seek after his heart."
Articles for Children's Ministry Leaders
Screening Procedures for Childhood Ministry
Careful screening procedures are necessary for all volunteers and staff in children's ministries.
Articles for Children's Ministry Leaders
Feeding Your Spiritually Hungry Kids
As a Children’s Pastor, each week I witness kids who walk into the church hungry...hungry to learn, to be loved, encouraged, accepted and challenged.